Hi Dottie,

Sorry, I should have explained myself better. All my son's other classes are in 8th grade (first year of high school here) & all on the same campus. So thank goodness I'm not contemplating trying to coordinate travel between campuses - now that would be scary!

Actually, we're hoping we may have found a solution if he can accelerate in German as well. It seems that just as the Year 9 Science class is held at the same time as Year 8 German, so Year 9 German is held when my son has his regular Yr 8 Science class. So if he accelerates in both, no problems with the timetable. I'll have to find out if his German teacher thinks he can cope with Yr 9 German, though.

The only other problem we have at his school is that all classes in Yr 9 go away for a 5 week extended camp during term, one class at a time. If the class he accelerates into hasn't already been away, I'm not sure what will happen when they go & he's left without a science class for 5 weeks!