I'm relieved to hear that time does prove to dampen the defiance/intensity. Today was a pretty epic stress day in our house. For the most part I can brush aside her anti authority, questioning everything behavior and even the occasional stares from other moms even though it is EXHAUSTING, it's the intensity with which she or should I say they ( my DS also, although not as bad as DD) need to accomplish/master things themselves without any help from me. Very stressful when they are having a breakdown because they can't get it on the first few attempts (like a new piano piece or math concept) yet they are shouting and screaming NO. I.CAN.DO.IT.MYSELF!!! It's so difficult at the peak of these moments because I so want to step in and say look, let's try it this way, but I have learned that they NEED to try to do it themselves so I have learned to step back for a while. I am hoping this facet of their personalities will improve. I really do.