You could try ALEKS (, it is an online computer program that will gives immediate feedback, and instruction. It is used in colleges & universities as supplemental material. I can't tell if the pre-calculus program included all of the above topics. One of the good things about ALEKS is that it test the student for what he or she knows, doesn't endlessly repeat material the student already knows, and it gives immediate feedback. I also know extensive work has gone to make sure this program meets (and exceeds) content standards. On the other hand while it does fine teaching the basic material, it doesn't really teach the advanced critical thinking. Every time I mention ALEKS I feel I should disclose that I personally know the original designers of this system.

I was just looking at the AoPS books for my son, and perhaps their pre-calculus book would have details of this material. But I can't recommend them as all I've seen so far in the web site. These books seems to be more directed at gifted students.

I am a bit astonished that a pre-calculus class includes all these topics. Things sure have changed since I went to H.S. and university. I did my Senior Project in University on Polar Coordinates and I don't think I had seem much more than a glance at them before that year.