DS fell completely in love with the Dragon Slayer's Academy books by Kate McMullan a few years ago. They are like a young version of Harry Potter, except that they are very, very silly. (side splitting sense of humor). A young boy goes off to dragon slayer's school and becomes best friends with another boy and a girl (who has to hide the fact that she is a girl because girls are not allowed to be dragon slayers!). There is nothing frightening or scary about these books... in the first book, they end up "slaying the dragon" by telling it horrible jokes until it kneels over. In one of the books, they rescue a dragon egg and try to raise it (even though they are suppose to be learning how to slay dragons). And there is a funny wizard who is so inept that his spells go completely wrong all the time... with hilarious consequences. I think there are about 19 books in the series. Here is a link on Amazon, so you know what to look for in the library.

Mom to DS12 and DD3