We use melatonin here, too. I have read many studies about its use (none of the ones I have seen have ever mentioned that it is dangerous) and feel giving it to DD. In fact, after reading so much about it and its benefits to shift workers... I have begun to take it regularly myself. What a difference for both of us. I'm not worried that it will decrease our own natural production because I am fairly certain that our lack of natural production is the crux of the problem ;-)

Sleep is a big deal in our house. We have a very consistent bedtime routine that begins and ends at the same time every night, and all steps occur in the same order. It seems to help DD's sleep anxiety to know that she has completed 'all the steps'. If your child has any sensory issues, you can look into the use of weighted blankets. DD needs to have the heavy weight and/or be tucked in as tight as possible. Soft lullabies on a CD (even at 11!) and a promise that I will check in on her every 10 minutes until she is asleep. It has taken us years to come up with a formula that seems to work. But, to be honest, I give the most credit to the melatonin.

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery