Originally Posted by yannam
making us really frustrated
The parent is frustrated with the child's performance on the afterschool enrichment? How does the child feel about the afterschool enrichment?

We are thinking 6 th grade may be too much.
You may wish to ask your daughter how she feels about the afterschool enrichment you are providing. For example, it may be too much challenge, too little challenge, or not an area of interest.

Any suggestion?
You did not share whether this was child-requested, possibly it is not. There is a vast difference between following a child's lead in providing afterschool enrichment in areas they have a strong interest and desire to learn more, and hothousing a child. There are several discussion threads on this topic. Ultimately the difference may impact the social/emotional development of the child, based upon parental messages. For example, does the parent value the child's desire to be/do/learn certain things? Does the parent try to imprint their own goals and desires on the child, disregarding the child's preferences? Does the parent send messages that the child's primary value comes from performance? Specifically superior performance in relation to others?

On another thread, parents have posted
Family members ask her to do things (read, write, spell, whatever) like it is a party trick. She's not a circus act, and it's disrespectful to her to expect her to perform on cue.

You may wish to ask your daughter how she feels about the afterschool enrichment you are providing, and follow the child's lead.