I'd love to hear stories and experiences of anyone who has experienced a younger child being at a higher LOG than an older sibling...

background: Nathan is now 5, reads faster than big brother Aiden, computes maths and logic faster, spells better, has longer stronger focus, has more steady internal goal-reaching mechanisms.
Aiden (7) is still impressive in everything he does; I'd say still HG+ and way out there off the curve. He is totally focused when he wants to be and sees the benefit in it.

Right now it's only because he has been doing things for longer that he is "ahead" of Nathan. The gap is closing. Sometimes I see that Aiden must realise this as he calls on Nathan for help in co-operative computer games that requires speed of certain things. Other times he gets angry and mean and manipulative when faced with this. Aiden also has auditory processing issues and anxiety issues that we are still dealing with.

I see that some of the differences are obviously personality, traits, character etc (and these are easy to teach about and cope with).

So now to open the discussion from YOUR pov:

How did it affect their relationship when it became apparent?
How did it affect both children's behaviour in general and towards each other?
What did you do to foster mutual acceptance and kindness?

Anything else you can think of to chat about here. I'd appreciate any and all anecdotes, ideas, suggestions and so forth.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)