Their online info stretches the truth a bit, IMO. The older girl (not sure about the younger) briefly attended Neuqua, which is a very good public HS. She left before the end of her freshman year and went to LA, where she completed school at an alternative independent studies school (not sure which, probably one like the City of Angels Independent Study School). These types of schools often use virtual classrooms and online exams and provide basic instruction for kids who might have medical issues, learning disabilities, or whatever that makes them unable to be in their regular HS. So, she left the really good HS and instead attended an alternative one for kids who aren't succeeding in the regular classroom... hmmm, not quite as hard to be valedictorian. I'm not saying that she's not a smart kid, but this idea that she was so gifted that she whizzed through school and was made valedictorian at age 14 is a bit much. I'm guessing that this is not the route that would work for most of our gifted children.