Bmoore4, my dd is only a couple if months younger than your dd. I have pondered over the same question. IMO if the test results aren't going to buy me anything, why bother? There is no local gifted program for her age so an iq test would be just to satisfy my curiosity and validate my judgement of my dd's intelligence. I am planning to get her tested when she is 7 or 8 because I believe she may need more than what the typical school would offer at that time, ie a skip or subject acceleration. For now, I am keeping her in a multi age classroom and letting the teacher know what dd is capable of so that teacher can provide some differentiation. Plus I partially homeschool. Once the school environment becomes more structured and standardized test driven (so 3rd grade) is when I think dd will really start to feel it. At that point, i am hoping an iq test will help with advocacy. Hth.