My daughter took WPPSI at age 4.5 and scored 147 FSIQ, with no apparent probs, no red flags with subtests, etc. That's somewhere around 99.9%ile.

Fast forward to age 8 and she just got this on Cogat:
Verbal 98%ile
Quantitative 71%ile
Nonverbal 97%ile
Composite 95%ile
and on the NNAT, 92%ile.

I guess my question is how smart is she? Should I be trying to have her do things like CTY or Davidson (which I WAS thinking of, based on FSIQ) and should I be treating her like just a 'pretty smart kid"; i.e., 92-93 %ile instead of 99.9? Or do the tests measure totally different things? ARGH! It's confusing!! Thanks in advance.