My ds13 took the SAT in 6th and did very well (NUMATS-recognition level, but certainly not 800s). He'd like to do it again this year (8th), I think as a "reassurance" that he is in good shape for HS (the teachers went a bit overboard in scaring kids as they signed up for honors/AP classes for next year). NUMATS is close by and so it is a pretty simple thing to take it, but I'm wondering about the writing. Writing is probably his weakest area; although he's better at technical writing and certainly good at grammar, he's not the type to ever write fiction for fun, nor is he a quick writer. He had an IEP until last year for expressive language. He wants to take the ACT because he can add writing and he (and we) would like to see how he does. However, I also don't want him to be discouraged. Have your younger teens taken the writing test? How did they do? Should he try to prepare at all or just take it cold? I'm not interested in recognition, but I worry that if he does poorly he'll be very stressed about AP World in 9th (the teachers emphasized that you need to write at a college level). Any thoughts or feedback?