Fine motor: We scheduled the OT/PT then realized it was $1600 for the entire evaluation. So, we decided to just to the handwriting portion ($100). They evaluated her yesterday as they had an opening and suggested twice/week handwriting. I am still going to keep the OT/PT evaluation in mind as they reiterated the need to address other issues (gross motor, sensory integration, ect.) to fully tackle the handwriting. But we are going to start with this.

Reading eval: Still not sure what rubric they used but they said that she was a level "E" despite her being able to read a "J" or beyond. Their reasoning was that while she answered the post-reading questions correctly, she used one word to answer them and the teacher wanted more explanation. On one hand I totally understand this, on the other, she completely understands what she reads at a level J too (and would probably answer questions with one word) so I guess I am wondering what is the difference? Couldn't they just as easily work from there?