I am trying to decide whether or not to pursue formal I.q. Testing. My child has entered our states gifted program. I feel like I must be a gifted child moron, because I had anxiety about her getting in, and she completely kicked the testing critieras patootie.

So, I thought my work would end. I thought I could now stop all the stuff we did after school to enrich her. Instead, I am finding that the gifted program in the state of Georgia is more about "bright learners" (example, nine of the twelve gifted kids in her class are all teachers children). She is still not challenged. I am still doing the work. She learned in one repetition of most material, but, I have two sets of twins and really can't engage only her in the evening. So I feel I am sliding. She is enriching herself with her reading, not sure if you are familiar with AR, but she is competitive and uses it to track her books. She is seven years old, the youngest in her second grade class, and has the highest AR score in the grade (210) reading on a grade level of six and higher with accuracy. But, I totally have no clue how to enrich her with math. I have been giving her multiplication, and she does them and then checks her work with her calculator. I have no started her memorizing, I decided to let her understand what she was doing first. But, aside from this... I get nothing. I go into her class, and although it is fun for her to be around bright learners, I am not sure anyone there is "gifted". I do not mean that boastfully. She has the same issues with bonding and making friends, the same quirky sense of humor that leaves her peers staring, etc, that she had last year before gifted. She is also, from what I can tell, a meyers brigg INFJ. Any thoughts?