We have had a very good experience with the Laurel Springs Academy for the Gifted and Talented. It is the gifted division of Laurel Springs School, which you can find via Google easily. I have been impressed with the peer group (when they have live or online discussions) and with the school's willingness to tailor curriculum for enrichment and learning style. They have a number of full-time staff who run the gifted program. One of the great features, in addition to the customization, is that your child can take whatever he/she is ready for. I know that they have some quite young children (age 8+) who are taking advanced courses -- 8 year olds taking high school English or math classes according to their abilities and interests. They have teachers who teach only (or primarily, as far as I can tell) gifted students. So we have never heard the dreaded "sorry, we can't accelerate" or "we don't have the resources to enrich." And we also don't get the "your child can't possibly be ready for that." They test, evaluate, and tailor. (We were in public schools thru 5th grade, so the contrast was amazing.)

All that said, Laurel Springs Academy for the G&T is, like any homeschool, what it is. It isn't a full-time or even part-time child care arrangement, obviously. And the teachers are great, but they are evaluators of the work you submit more than hands-on teachers (you can certainly go to them with questions, but they do not present lectures.) Laurel Springs expects every student to have a home teacher with primary teaching responsibility (usually a parent). They have some online classes, but they are often enrichment rather than full course presentations (at least until, apparently, you get to the AP level, where there are frequent online classes). So it works best for kids who are motivated, organized, and will stay on track. It definitely works for us!