I apologize if I missed something while reading this but you do not say what age your daughter is, nor what grade in school she is in. This might help to frame the answer to your questions. As to your questions.

Yes students can & do "under perform" if the material is too easy for them. This is something that teachers sometimes have a hard time grasping, and is not uncommon with gifted kids. A common reason for this is the student simply zones out or refuses to do "boring" work. Or she might do what my son does and make a mountain out of a molehill. My son won't believe the teacher would be asking such a simple question, tries to make it more complicated and then becomes clueless on how to answer or simply leave it blank.

As to if students need material on a lower level to help them understand material being taught. The simple answer is yes, BUT this is usually only a grade level or two difference. Typically the level of reading used to teach reading, is higher than the level used for books to teach concepts. (This is something I was told when working with my older DD who has language processing LD's.) But if your daughter is in elementary school and reading at a 11th grade reading level the books they are using to teach concepts are probably still way below her level.

Last edited by bluemagic; 01/16/14 02:32 PM.