We pulled DS5.4 out of public Kindergarten to homeschool right after Thanksgiving and since we wanted to have at least some data on hand, mainly for the school if we wanted to put him back into public school anytime soon, and because we wanted to see where he's at, we gave him the ITBS test. These were his percentile scores ...

Vocab 91 (he struggled with the black and white pictures)
Reading words 98
Word Analysis 98
Listening 99
Language 99
Math 98 (missed one question basically due to non exposure to the subject but could be remedied in 1 day if we wanted to)
Core total 99

So, pretty much in everything he was placed at the 2nd half of 1st grade or 1st half of 2nd grade equivalent. (He was tested as Kindergartner mid-year, and is young for his grade as he made the Kidner cut off just by a few days) So, here are my questions ...

1. my understanding is that would be 50th percentile for the grade equivalent, right?
2. if we want to retest next year (or at the end of this school year) should we go again with at his grade level test or should we do it at a one grade higher level to get more data rather then hit the ceiling at 99th percentile?
3. can I consider the data reliable when I had to basically scribe for him (fill in the answers he pointed at) due to his poor fine motor skills? I did not interfere with the test itself, but had to help him this way as otherwise he would not had been able to complete it at all.

I was really surprised how well he did on the reading related parts of the test. He's our child who we think might be dyslexic / dysgraphic so this makes me wonder if maybe his issues have more to do with attention rather than learning disabilities (at least in respect to dyslexia)

Anyone who can answer, please chime in. I'd really appreciate any suggestions.