Hi, I'm posting here as DS7 is having difficulties with Sunday School. We are LDS so I thought I was more likely to be able to get a US site. DS7 has been bored with Sunday School for a long time, he says he doesn't get taught anything he doesn't already know. He now has trouble with friendships as the other children see him as naughty. Sunday School at our church is strictly by year of birth and he is the oldest in his class. I have been told for for the last two years to keep bringing him but now his behaviour has escalated it has been suggested I take him home. Recently things have been done to try to accommodate him but it is two years too late, I tried to explain the problems he was having then, but it is only since his behaviour has deteriorated that I feel anyone has listened. I'm worried that he won't go back if he stops going but I don't know what to do otherwise. Anyone been in a similar situation? Thanks.