My daughter is in 3rd grade. I have been fighting for her since before kindergarten!! She was diagnosed with Autism at age 5 right before kindergarten. She began reading at 3 years old and we suspected her being gifted. She went through a special education assessment in kindergarten and the ended up giving her the RIAS for the intelligence scale due to her lack of focus and hyperactivity. Her non-verbal scored were in the 99.6 percentile with an overall score in the 96 percentile. We were pleasantly surprised!! At first the school did not want to give her the gifted label. I had to fight for it and took my issue to the head folks in the school division. In the end I won half the battle. They labeled her gifted in reading but not math or general ability.

My daughter was accepted into Mensa as well.

Her programing has been ok. I have been fighting for them to give her more math instruction. They say she is not gifted in math, but she learns concepts within in time or 2. She is a walking book of knowledge because she remembers everything she watched and reads.

Two other times now she has been turned down for the math identification. This last time was the kicker. See, she needs that label to be in the Gifted Class at her school next year. A class that everything is taught at a higher level. A service that she needs!! In december the school said this program is a fit for my daughter both socially and academically.

In January the test results came back! Not good. They gave her the Nagliere. I was concerned with this test due to her ability to focus often is off. This test requires a lot of focus and I am thinking it is not as good of a measure for my daughter as the RIAS. Her school is not saying that she cannot be in the gifted class and her scores do not fit. I pointed out that based on her newest scores she would not even be considered for gifted in reading. She was assessed this fall and is reading and comprehending at the upper middle school/high school level. Her math achievement is at or 1 grade level above. I am thinking that she is underperforming in math due to lack of teaching because they will not identify or work with her in math!

I am going to have an IEP meeting with all the big folks in the county and discuss her FAPE to be in the gifted class. This class gives her more like peers both socially and academically. I have already pointed out that the 2e child cannot be identified the same way a typical child is. In fact I am stressing that they use more of an RTI approach based on her actual classroom performance and gaining of higher level skills taught. She currently has straight A's and does not have to put any effort into her school work. I am trying to argue that her membership in Mensa should be some proof of her giftedness and they should give her a chance.

Does anyone have some suggestions? Good articles about assessment and 2e children. Anything to help my fight for my child!!
