So, DD has ADHD/processing speed issues. Last year I tried talking to the school psych a couple times about a 504 and was always blown off saying "she's doing fine" and only kids who have their learning severely impacted would qualify for a 504. Since DD is a high achiever, her learning was not severely impacted (so the reasoning went). I tried to educate the school psych but ultimately just dropped the issue.
Fast forward to this year I actually have a teacher who admits she is "slow" and that she is impaired when she is not medicated. I have an outside report in my hands, an educational assessment done by a private psych, stating that she is 2e and would benefit from a 504. I found out who the 504 coordinator for the building is (not the school psych). I gave him the report and he read it and said it was very helpful. The 504 coordinator has been there since DD started K 2.5 years ago. He told me this role was thrust upon him when he started there, and he has never written a 504 but he is willing to learn. NICE guy and so much better than the other school personnel we have been dealing with in terms of DS and his IEP--people who, if they don't understand something, just dismiss it.
But I'm wondering, how is it that in 2.5 years, no child in this school has apparently had a 504 written? What does that say about the school? It is a large school with hundreds of children. It blows my mind away that apparently no one has a 504. DD's teacher, who has been there for years, didn't even know who the 504 coordinator for the building is.
Also, should I call the special ed director for the district and ask him for help, like I did with DS and his IEP or just wait and see if the school's 504 guy can figure it out? Does anyone know of a resource I can use to make sure the 504 is written the right way with appropriate accommodations?