So DS was tested October 3rd on the DRA and was found to be on the very last level for 2nd grade Reading, RR level for 100 book challenge. Of course he was reading higher than that at home and I am thinking now they didn't test him above that level to see if he were above that level because, I assume, there is a concern what do they do with a kid beginning second grade at a third grade level? Anyway, of course before the progress reports came out they used the DRA from October 3rd to give him his grade. How is that measuring progress? Anyway, I said nothing. Last night DS says to me "everyone is moving up in reading except me. They won't test me and they are just leaving me where I was at when I started this year." He said he's asked a few times to be tested and she puts him off. He was so discouraged. But he also wasn't really fooled. He stated he knows it's "because they do not want him to be higher, he is now well-above 2nd grade and they don't like that." SO, it's January 9th and this kid has not been tested in reading or moved up any levels since October 3rd? Seriously? Meanwhile, se sees everyone else moving up happily. I email teacher and sure enough she hasn't tested him at all since October 3rd. What the heck, was she planning to do just leave him at that level all year? She says she'll test him within the next two weeks. What she's gonna do when he reaches the highest level of third grade on the DRA or 100 book challenge? Just stop there? I guess it's not a big deal since he reads what he wants anyways but still. Way to keep a kid down. I asked if it were normal that a child's progress not be measured in reading for this long and she of course did not respond. Of course.

Last edited by Irena; 01/09/14 03:35 PM.