
Our son, now in 5th grade, was last fully evaluated in first grade. At that time, they highlighted processing speed issues, visual/spatial challenges, motor skills, etc. They suggested diagnoses of dysgraphia and NVLD, but didn't want to confirm it so young. (Also, a neuropsychologist wasn't part of the testing team.) Since then DS has worked with OT, vision therapy, social skills groups, etc. Many issues have improved, of course, but not gone away.

We've heard from friends that having neuropsych evaluation, with an official diagnosis, was very helpful in conversations with schools, focusing interventions, and even in getting some costs covered relating to insurance, or at least a deduction on taxes. Also, now that our son is getting older, we feel it is important to bring him more directly into the conversation to strategize about how he learns, so that he can better understand himself and self-advocate.

At what point did others do this testing for their 2e children? And how often? If we apply to private high schools, do they require the testing to be done within a specified timeframe?

Our insurance doesn't cover the testing, so it will be out-of-pocket. Basically, we had enough info from the earlier eval to guide the interventions up to this point, so we put our funds into the support. We'd like to update the testing now, but are worried that we'll have to then pay for it again right before high school. Any thoughts?

Many thanks!!