Thanks for finding this news. We'd been planning that DS would take the ACT Explore as a 3rd grader in early 2015, but that won't happen now, clearly.

So some questions arise. What is the new test? Is there a way to use this test series as an out of level test? Can your Xth grader take a test designed for Yth graders? Or will they perhaps have an "adaptive" test that gets harder/easier with correct/incorrect responses so that an advanced kid can "work their way up" through grade levels until they get to their true level and can show what they know? (DS takes the "Scantron Performance Series" tests twice yearly, which is adaptive in this way, but it is just on the computer at home so it's not an official proctored result.)

I suppose we can wait to see what the Talent Searches, DYS, etc. recommend for out-of-level academic testing for youngsters who want to show they are several years advanced and/or want to see where they are, but who are not yet ready for ACT or SAT.

It would be good to find out.

On the other hand, maybe we don't really need this tesing that much anyway.