Well said.

This year, my ds12 has no science teacher as she quit near the start and therefore, if I want him to learn anything in science, it's imperative I afterschool him. I'm also having to supplement his math because he's skipped 6th grade.

I would much rather not have to do these things. I'd rather spend more time encouraging him to work on his novel or do other sorts of activities with him. I don't like it, but I simply cannot leave it all up to a school, which for various reasons, cannot meet its responsibilities in educating my child.
Ego boost? More like treading water struggling to stay afloat.

As for why stay with public school? For some of us the cost of private is daunting, and from the research I've done I'm not sure the private school near us understands giftedness as well as the public schools.

Last edited by KADmom; 12/30/13 02:45 PM.