Hi Isa,

I have no real suggestions and am sorry you're going through this (again). Grinity once told me something I think about often: (paraphrasing) remember you're the adult, you DO know better, and sometimes you have to make decisions that are really better for your child. Of course that doesn't mean you don't consider what they SAY. But what they SAY may not really be what they WANT/NEED. I have seen my kids derive comfort from a few executive decisions I have made, which may not have been what they thought they wanted (generally more simple situations than school choice, e.g. No, to a sleepover when they were already tired).

Take a little time to think about it and do not react right away (some kids like to see how much power they have). Talk about it a lot--pros & cons, possible solutions/compromises. Maybe she misses some friends, so arrange get-togethers with them. Make it clear that it's a big decision and she can't just change her mind, then change it again. First, say we have to explore the alternatives, which might take a while.

Good Luck to you.