Stacey, you'll want to check out specific districts in PA. It all sounds great, but the better districts are very controlling of the gifted ID process. I guess the process is fine if the kid is PG and will score well on any IQ test under any testing conditions, but if not, the process could be a problem.

In our district, the district chooses the IQ test and they administer it. Must be FSIQ >= 130, no GAI. I know of a number of districts that operate in the same way.

You also need to consider that your kids are young. I don't know of any district near us (SE PA) that has a good gifted program for young kids. The advantage of being in certain school districts is that some have quite a few very bright/gifted kids. My eldest, now in college, was probably in the top 15-20% of her class. There were a number of kids brighter than her (she was IDed based on IQ > 130).

There are also a lot of great private schools in the Philadelphia area. I attended one. I see a lot of neat programs they have in the younger grades, but I still think that the academics in the elementary years would not be challenging. I am nowhere near PG (and never IDed so may not be gifted) and I was bored in the elementary years. I spent a lot of time moving around the typewriter key caps to confuse others.