We're looking for a math tutor for our 7-year-old, who is extremely capable in math. He's just started algebra with Khan Academy, which is fine for what it is (and better than many algebra books), and we're working with him successfully for now. But sooner or later he will probably need the guidance of an actual, in-person adult who's not one of his parents. wink

His school (Birches) is fantastic for science and other subjects, and for helping him consolidate and apply the math he knows already. No complaints, really. But we cannot reasonably expect his teachers there to basically tutor him one-on-one, especially as he works his way into high school math and maybe beyond.

He's already involved in Math Circle at Harvard, but even that's not filling his need for math challenge. His group there consists of mostly kids that are several years older than he is, which results in "interesting" classroom dynamics... again, a one-on-one tutoring situation would probably work better for him! And our contacts there have not helped us find anyone in the Boston area who has experience tutoring kids this young.

So... help? Thanks! (Long-time lurker, infrequent poster, yada yada.)