Hi Cloudpear,

If you are seriously considering a move to the Twin Cities area, I would recommend joining the Minnesota Council for Gifted and Talented, and then you can join the email group and probably get the most feedback on this question. Here's a link to the site, and if you scroll to the bottom there is a link to a list of FT GT programs in MN. http://mcgt.net/gifted101

Although I don't have first-hand experience at either of those schools, my DS goes to a FT HG 2-5 elementary program that Dimensions designed itself after. In general, every subject is a year advanced, plus there is a faster pace so there is time for additional fun stuff. We have found it to be an excellent fit for our son, who has also skipped a grade.

The style of the Lighthouse is quite different, and when we looked into it, we felt that our son was not self-motivated enough for that type of program. It seemed like if you had a kid who was way out there in one or more subjects, and the kid was also fairly self-motivated, this would be a great place. The kids are not grouped by grade, but rather take classes based on interest and ability. I think there is a lot of online instruction as well, and the teachers are really more facilitators. Hopefully someone who has a kid there will respond.

Please note that the two schools you mention are on opposite ends of the suburb spectrum in the Twin Cities (Bloomington is South, Lighthouse in North). If you are checking out these schools, I would also recommend looking at programs in nearby districts (see list at the link above). And try to move somewhere more centrally located. That way, if one school doesn't work out, you could try another (if there is space).