DD 5 was asked to leave school due to behavior issues. We have just finished a thorough eval and waiting for the report. We will meet with the tester in a few weeks to discuss options ideas etc. DD 5 is low tone, with poor fine motor control and eye hand coordination. She is dysgraphic and I think maybe dyslexic. The last teacher conference at her Montessori school indicated that the teacher is unaware of her abilities in math. Her achievement in broad math was 99.8. Her teacher indicated on the report that she was doing addition but mentioned nothing about subtraction or multiplication. She also made a "mistake" and indicated that she did not recognize her numbers from 1-10. I was so surprised by this that it kind of came rattling out my mouth. Anyways she was apologetic and said she was confused meaning that she could not write her numbers very well. Anyways I was hoping to leave this school without having to do anything... I think her scores will put her in the public self contained gifted class. We think it will work for K but not sure after if the writing demands become to much . I think I maybe not able to get away with sliding through this year. I think that teacher and parents do not hold Dd to a standard that matches her intellect. We parents are trying to learn how to cope with such broad discrepancies. Her dysgraphia really masks her abilities. The teacher sees her progress by her fine motor control. She even said that any work that Dd chooses she evaluates on its worth in regards to fine motor control. So I may be able to ask the tester to write a report specific to school. I am looking for ideas suggestions btdt, success stories, miserable failure attempts etc. Due to the dysgraphia it's not like I can bring in work samples. TIA! I am asking you people because I have learned much just reading this board. Ohhh the reason she was asked to leave was because she got into another kids space and would not stop . She threatened to kick the teacher. Had a temper tantrum on the floor. She complains of boredom. I think she entertains herself by winding up other people. I also think she has a profound sense of justice and fairness and has difficulty when those are insulted. Thank you so much for reading such a long post!