Tomorrow we meet with the head of special Ed and our sons teacher to start this journey.
He has been diagnosed with sensory integration issues and sub threshold unspecified ADHD.

We just had him moved to a new class with a teacher that cares. He is in trouble for touching other students, making noises (sometimes because he needs to, sometimes for attention). Talking and being off task. He also has social interaction issues, and appreciates older peers who can talk more on his level, and has zero tolerance for smaller children. It's a long school day for a child like our ds, and he comes home overstimulated and tired.

So ds IQ test was not very successful last time, and the psych specialized with children with development issues, but not gifted. P

So if our DS is truly gifted and bored, how do I advocate for him getting help for his boredom with no proof? DS has yet to count to 100 verbally, but has already learned all the goals for the school year. He is very much interested in science, and he craves info. He also keeps making up words because he wants to speak Spanish, or "the language of Egypt". How do I get this kid help in a public school? What tests do I want? I need specifics.