So, I took my DD in for an OT assessment since she is SLOW in class and also had slow processing speed on the WISC (coding was an 8). The OT did the BOT2 which has some timed components and DD's lowest subtest score was the 24th percentile (I forgot to ask which subtest). I asked if it's possible for a kid to do Ok on the BOT and still have dysgraphia and the OT didn't think so. I explained how she is so slow with writing and the OT asked her to write the alphabet. DD had to think for a few seconds before writing some of the letters which doesn't seem normal for a third grader. I also looked at her spelling homework last night which she did unmedicated (she has ADHD) and it was absolutely horrible looking--on most words she had certain letters where she wrote over them about 8 times. She must either have OCD or she kept making mistakes and rather than erasing she just decided to keep writing over the letters. I can see why she is so slow. I asked her teacher about it and she said that writing is not "normal" for her, but she has seen it before (probably when she is not medicated).
I wish I could post a picture of it here because it's so bizarre!
What kind of specialist would I see to have this checked out further? The OT sees a problem with her executive functioning and wants me to bring her in for that (I have my doubts as to whether/how that would help) but doesn't think there is a huge handwriting issue. Are neuropsychs the only ones who can diagnose dysgraphia? Please don't tell me to get a school assessment (been there done that with DS and it was a nightmare).