Originally Posted by ultramarina
aquinas, you have great ideas but the iPhone is getting a bit outside my price range! smile Any leads on the desktop anatomy model? That does sound like something my kids would like. I would also like a rec on good magnets.

These are the anatomy models I had in mind, ultramarina. There are 3 or 4 on offer in a 4.5" scale:


For magnets, I chose a wand for my little DS2. If he were a bit older, I'd choose a kit like this one and wrap each piece separately in a stocking:


Shameless plug, but I'm selling my old iPhone. It's a 2nd gen 3G black 16 gig model with Fido, in pristine condition. It was my baby before my baby. I also have a 2nd gen iPos nano. At risk of turning this into an ad, PM me if you're interested. I'm selling them cheaply. wink

What is to give light must endure burning.