Originally Posted by doubtfulguest
... DD articulated that she feels it's an effective strategy: so unless we find something to substitute for it... it's here to stay. (and that is NOT an option!)
Have you considered chewing gum as a strategy? Many people self-medicate with snack foods and when older with drugs, alcohol, shopping, even sexual behavior but these may have devastating consequences.

Chewing gum, taking a walk, meditating, journaling, drawing, doodling, cartooning, even developing a fondness for a soothing cup of tea may be beneficial and healthy strategies to practice when working through an impasse or frustration.

I've heard of one family who had a table reserved for jigsaw puzzles. When faced with a mental block, stopping to fit a piece or two into place on a puzzle (often over conversation with a family member who would join them at the puzzle table) seemed to provide renewed insight.

Because developing the ability to self-soothe is so important, there are even humorous toys like stress balls made with foam, putty, or micro-beads.

For others, I've heard that looking at and thinking about their past successes... portfolios, awards, scrapbooks, collections... may provide a much-needed boost and new approaches to thinking about whatever it may be that has them momentarily stumped or stuck.