Originally Posted by MumOfThree
Did the SET (I can't remember what it stood for) section ring any bells for you?

SCT - slow cognitive tempo ... That rang a bit more true than the adhd but still didn't quite fit - he's not lethargic for example. Nor is he foggy or easily confused. To be honest, I don't have have any problems with him at home and in his extracurriculars. I don't have concerns with him being babysat or staying at a friend's house.He used to have more executive functioning issues at home but those have decreased. He clears his place after eating. He tidies up after himself after bath (hangs his towel, put clothes in dirty wash, etc). He dresses himself, brushes his teeth, etc. I do have to remind him to get started or to quicken the pace at times but usually only once. I wouldn't say he has awesome executive functioning - but he seems okay. Then again demands at home are much less than school I suppose. He is spacey in that he goes off to make up stories, act them out etc. he also moves and fidgets a lot - he paces and he clicks his joints around. Physically, he is not still.

Who knows what my kid has - it's probably some condition that hasn't been "discovered" yet.