We do something silly - my DS5 loves all kinds of math patterns and he is extremely visual and he got interested in multiplication a few months ago - We bought him a poster as well that is in his room and then he had me write out a "book" that has the 1x table on one page up to 1x12, the 2x tables on the next page up to 2x12 and so on until the 12's x tables. We used to sing the alphabet song while he brushed his teeth just so I know that he didn't brush in 10 seconds flat, then it turned to addition tables sang to him while brushing and about a month ago he asked us to sing the multiplication tables from his book pages while brushing his teeth. He loves it (we can't sing to save our lives but he doesn't care) and he is beginning to remember the times tables :-) We also found this cool book at one of the book stores - the one he has is addition, but I thought they had one for multiplication as well (you open the page and you flip around each page to see addition facts - my son has used this so much..
