This is a great example of how placement must follow the program offered. If there was a lot of writing in the reading group, (and there were tons or worksheets in my son's 2nd grade reading group) then it makes sense to 'split the difference' between strenth and challenge. But if there is no focus on written expression in the reading group, then simple state that you feel the top group would be the best match. Asynchronous Develoment is really frustrating! For the kid, for the teachers AND for the parents!

Good for your school that they are offering the 1:1 help, but it seems mean that the teacher won't allow the use of the dotted paper. Does the Principle support this? To me it sounds like you need a seperate meeting to discuss DS. Why not 'firmly state' that the teacher must use whatever kind of accomidations the special ed staff suggests - such as dotted paper.

This isn't a small thing. A child who is not talking and has barriers to writing isn't likely to have great self esteem in a classroom setting. Remember that in elementary school it's all about the skills. Can you write? Can you memorize the spelling list? Can you do those times tables fast? The deep and intersting discussion doesn't count for much in the minds of children and el teachers, for the most part.

Afterschool the chapter book for fun, but don't expect it to mean much to the school. Show writing samples with and without the special paper to the school. Request a teacher who is willing to met your son half way.

Good luck, and good luck with dd6, too!

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