Thanks for the help in the test taking. She's used to taking AR tests at school but since she's in a private school, they really dont do much by way of standardized tests. I'll just work with her on the format they have so she understands the questions they are asking.

As far as the social thing goes, she does not work well with others - she prefers to go her own way (which is much like I was for most of my school years) She tends to try to dominate and does not really have a good friend. She does feel the lack but doesnt understand why the "girls" dont want to play. She is much better friends with the boys for sure.

I dont allow a lot of "tech" in our home so she doesnt have a phone or know how to text like the "cool girls" in her class. Thats not something I am willing to bend on though so just need to work with her to help her play appropriately.