Originally Posted by polarbear
I'd make the decision based on what you think you will be able to achieve through DYS in terms of advocacy - because I think that's the piece you're looking for?
DD is in a Montessori school and advocacy is an issue. They believe they have had, and currently have "more then a few" children at DD's level - I am doubtful. I feel if they had more experience with children in DD's range they would not have been so resistant to giving DD the opportunity to explore some of the "older children's" works. Plus I suspect I am still seen as the "pushy" parent trying to hothouse my DD. LOL! DD is my first child and this is all so new to me, any help DYS can provide will be so greatly appreciated.

Originally Posted by polarbear
(otoh, will you be able to get the WISC through your school district when your dd is old enough?).
You bring up an excellent point. I don't know if the school district will test on the WISC, though I suspect they would when she is old enough. But if I have her tested on the WPPSI they may refuse to do further testing.

Originally Posted by polarbear
One other thought - the school psych has admitted he's rarely seen scores that high - is there anything you can do to leverage his knowledge of how unique your dd's' scores are?
Unfortunately the psych is part of the local public school district and the Director of DD's school doesn't hold much confidence in the district. When I mentioned I was thinking of having the school district do another evaluation to help with DYS application, she scoffed and said "good luck with that." I hadn't though of asking the psych for anything other then the test and now I will. Thank you for bringing that up! Who knows what will, if anything, bring DD's school around.