It seems to sit outside what you usually hear about 'gifted' kids but my bright little boy (8yrs old) is only interested in sport. He will do his work, he was grade skipped this year and is doing ok, but is just obsessed with sport. He still says school is boring (but i think that it is in comparison to you guessed it - playing sport).
He does like to read and is currently reading the most recent Percy Jackson but when it comes to writing or maths (that he used to really like) he is just not interested. He has been learning trumpet this year and playing in the band but wants to quit because it reduces the time he has to play sport (even in the backyard).
I just wondered whether there are any other kids out there who really just think about sport ALL the time?
I love sport but i guess i wonder whether he is still not being properly engaged in school and this is making him focus so much on sport.