Originally Posted by puffin
So you are going to subject accelerate him at home up to fifth grade and then ask for him to be skipped into fourth next year? Will you ask them to let him do academics at 6th grade level.

The fact that ds enjoys certain aspects of school now doesn't mean he would miss them terribly if you home schooled until he was ready for the gifted school. There are other ways he can play with kids his age.

At home we are doing 5th grade math, just started 3/4th grade language arts (reading and grammar are very strong, writing is very weak), science is somewhere in middle/high school, history is middle school. (You can see how a skip to 3rd grade now is not going to even scratch the surface.)

For next year - anything is possible. And even before then. If DS asked to return to school full time and skip to 3rd grade now, I would do it. I would do the same in 4 months from now. I think the plan is to see how this year goes and then take it from there. Maybe we will skip him next fall. Maybe he will decide he wants to homeschool full time. I think I would prefer to NOT skip him until he leaves this school (so he will skip from 3rd to 5th to his new private school). I did discuss this with his tester and she thought it would not be a bad idea to keep the social disruptions to a minimum. As long as we continue meeting his academic needs at home and he is happy to go to school part time, then we will keep him with agemates until he leaves the school.