Originally Posted by HappilyMom
My favorite analogy which my son (or likely any 2e kiddo) will relate to is that having a LD is "like a very fast sports car that gets bogged down in heavy traffic".

My ds went through the first half of this book with me yesterday and he really identified with this analogy too smile

I wanted to bump this back up in case others have missed it - it is really really a great resource for a wide age range of kids. With a younger child you can pick and choose what you'd like to out of it, for my teen -we read it together and it was a great springboard for more in-depth conversations, as well a great example for him re how to explain his challenges to others. We also found the self-evaluations really helpful to talk through smile

Thanks again for posting this Happily!


Last edited by polarbear; 10/20/13 09:43 AM.