Hi qxp, thanks for your response. We just spent a lot of money on testing this summer and the psych had a specific reason for wanting to use the WPPSI-III at the time.... We don't have the resources to retest on the WISC right now, and given ds's attentional struggles I don't think that would necessarily produce the desired results, even though the psych commented that if we retested in a couple years when ds is more steady he felt his scores would likely be higher.

I hadn't thought about what happens when non-qualifying IQ scores are in the same report as qualifying achievement scores, so appreciate your bringing that to my attention. If anyone else reading has thoughts about this, I'd appreciate it! I'm pretty sure our psych would give us an abbreviated report but since he's really busy I don't want to put him through any unnecessary work....

I've also realized that this question is just the "tip of the iceberg" for me so I think I will start a new thread with my (million) other questions. smile