this drives me nuts, too. DD is just 5, but we literally had a spelling test this morning - i didn't care if she got the words right the first time (which she did) but we went through and talked about each word and why it was correct. the entire point is to learn how spelling works - so when she does get a word wrong, she'll treat it the exact same way.

way back when i was first looking at schools, i literally decided against the neighbourhood one for this exact reason: on registration day, i saw Grade 6 work posted on the walls that was riddled with both factual and spelling errors - and that's just not "good copy" to me. if it's "finished" - it should be correct. i really hope someone does find some research on this, so that everyone who needs it can bring it in as ammunition. sigh.

Last edited by doubtfulguest; 10/04/13 06:36 AM.

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.