Zen Scanner, my son has had no ear infections. His hearing has been tested twice, and it's good. Although his auditory memory came back somewhere in the 90's percentile wise, he really has hard time with verbal instructions or just focusing on the speaker. He can't look at the speaker for more than 5 seconds, keeps moving around when he's supposed to sit still etc. Once at the store I read a sign out loud to myself that said "Cookies are not for sampling". He got so excited, because all he heard was cookies and sampling and was ready to jump in for the samples. Selective hearing perhaps? Focus issues? Or really some sort of APD? Now he does have perfect or near perfect musical hearing. Can hear when his cello is out of tune or his fingering is even a little off, can play some simple stuff by ear on piano and cello.
He is having hard time at school. He can't concentrate, gets distracted easily, doesn't remember what he's supposed to be doing, mixes up days and times etc. His current teacher is the kind who only says things once and to the whole class and will ignore all questions afterwards and thinks if the child doesn't look at her while she speaks means that he's disrespectful and the list goes on. So my little guy is in big trouble for being the way he is.
Aside from that, he has been hard to understand at times, the stuff he says just doesn't make sense sometimes, it's like half sentences and bunch of words and he's not able to express himself clearly. He has said that he thinks about different stuff when he talks and sometimes he also can not speak as fast as he his brain moves. I honestly don't know what to do with him or how to help him:(