Do you mean your personal TM? Or just in a general sense?

I plan to come back and add something here--

but I'm going to need more coffee first (PDT out here, it's still early).


it's a relatively new international scholars program-- so a bit more like conventional higher ed in some respects, but the students move (as a cohort) around the globe every few months. Someone (here? or elsewhere?) brought it up recently during a discussion about higher ed, and I found the concept fascinating. I'll have to dig through some things to locate it. I'm having no luck uncovering it again with a search engine.

Some of these are interesting:

AERO's list of low-residency and alternative post-secondary schools

I sure wish that I could convince myself that St. John's is worth the cost. {sigh} DD would thrive in that environment.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.