As DeeDee mentioned, sometimes similar things are seen but different diagnoses are given. I think DeeDee's DS and our DD/DYS10 have similar issues, so that's been interesting. Our DD is I think EG rather than PG, but she was also suggested to have ADHD, ODD, Asperger's, and dysgraphia a couple of years ago. Fortunately she does not seem to have much anxiety. The thing was, the psychologist who suggested all of these diagnoses was associated with the school and the diagnoses were suggested on the basis of questionnaires filled out by the teacher who couldn't stand DD...so after much research and consulting a specialist in 2e kids (an 8-hour drive away), I think what DD actually 'has' is some level of ASD (possibly even 'social interaction disorder' or whatever it's called in the new DSM) and some dysgraphia. Apparently ASD can look like ADHD, especially now that there are so many 'types' of ADHD (e.g., 'inattentive'). Not that some people don't have 3 different disorders (or more), but it's more likely that a person has one disorder than 3, especially if the symptoms overlap. In our DD's case, the apparent ODD stemmed from the authoritarian teacher--DD responds very well to clear rules, reminders (preferably only one!), and prompt consequences. Unclear rules, uneven enforcement, and/or seemingly arbitrary and inconsistent consequences provoke a strong negative reaction. Fortunately we have generally had wonderful teachers who provide clear rules, etc., to all the kids, so for now things are going well. And of course at home it's a matter of routine for us now to remind and then give consequences; we just need to do it every time or she will totally game the system.

Anyway, sorry to ramble--the point I'm trying to get around to is that it can be complicated to figure out, and I highly recommend that you see a specialist in 2e kids if you can. Also, if you haven't seen it yet, the James Webb Misdiagnosis...of Gifted Kids, available on Amazon

I guess some people on this board have seen the Amends, and one of them is a coauthor, so that might be something to explore.

Finally, I also should say that our DD is also unmotivated, and we have not found a solution for that, except that she loves dessert and video games, so we have devised a very complicated reward structure that works pretty well for us. I would very much have preferred to not use dessert, but sometimes you have to use the tools you are given.

Best of luck!

Last edited by Dbat; 09/16/13 05:18 PM.