DS is in 5th this year and is allowed to do EPGY for the second year. The school discussed transporting him to MS but they were looking at one grade of acceleration whereas he was 3-4 ahead when we started last year. EPGY was a better fit. He is definitely being challenged now but the disadvantage is that he has never learned math in a classroom setting with a group, instead by listening alone to online lectures.

Our issue is that for "official" purposes he is considered a 5th grader so in theory still must take the other grade levels again. The school has offered to have him begin Novanet.com this year and supposedly he can take pre-tests and get credit for what he tests out of (we live in NC). I had already purchased EPGY so he is hopefully going to finish this quarter (Int Algebra) and then begin Novanet in December. I am sure we will have some issues to deal with as I do not think it will be as simple as him taking a test and getting credit for 5-9th grades but we will see what happens. Has anyone ever used or heard of Novanet?

In any case, given he was several grades ahead I do not want him being in classes with kids that much older. Not sure what is ahead as HS math only goes through Calculus. The great thing is that if he is able to keep progressing, so many programs are available online now so it should not be an issue I hope.