Originally Posted by Grinity
BTW - how far over to the Right Side the the graph does your younger child end up? 2SD? 3SD? The graph measures 'unusualness' and humans being what they are, 'more unusual' means less likely to get their needs met without special efforts. If you go back to the doc, ask her or him to help you estimate 'how unusual' your child is compared to the local school system.

His GAI was 99.8. PRI 99.9 and Verbal 96%, so right between 2SD and 3SD. We didn't do any further testing because we felt that was enough data to help get the school to entertain the idea of the grade skip (which we thought would make the most immediate difference.) We are in a district with no GATE or public schools with specialized programs. The closest private schools are 30 miles drives and way too expensive for us. It seems like we have struck a good academic balance so far this year (he might not be fully challenged but his teacher is providing enrichment material for him to explore when he finishes regular classwork early. He is not complaining about school- that's an improvement. 7 and in 3rd means that the bar for writing is set fairly high- he seems to be holding his own.

I would like my DH to explore the idea that personality traits also tie into his intensitities and learning style. Also the idea of asynchronous development - that we are better parents if we educate ourselves about our children's gifts and challenges and adapt our parenting. He is still more on the side of "one size fits all."