Some things I have written down - don't know if they are good or not but it's things that made me go "hhhmmmm" lol. Knew sounds of all letters by 20months, spontaneously started doing simple addition at 2yrs (0+1, 1+2, 5-2, 3+2), read first book at 2yrs4mths, at 2.5 made a hexagon out of parallelogram, trapezoid and triangle and made a trapezoid as well and said (look it's a trapezoid!). At preK, teachers remarked how he was the only one to befriend a little boy on the autism spectrum and really brought him out of his shell. At 4.5 he said "if 60min are in 1hr, then 30min are in a half hour b/c 30 is half of 60). Recently at 5 he asked "if you need people to have babies, and you need babies to have people, how did people get here?", also he has now begun arguing semantics with me and twice he has been right lol.

For my older, at 4yrs old he made some really neat 3D structures out of M&D blocks that several people thought were striking. I took pictures and dated. The one that was really exceptional, i can't find a photo of. frown

I don't know if these things are what they are looking for but it's what I have written down.