DS5 started reading about a year ago. Prior to that he loved rhyming words. He would spend all day coming up with words that rhyme and then writing them down on paper. One evening during our story time he corrected me when I was reading. He was able to read the rest of the very short book to me. I then bought a few Step 1 readers and the first time through a book was rough but after I told him how to pronounce a word the first time he has never not known how to read it afterwards.

Right now he is comfortably reading the Magic Tree House series. On occasion he comes across a word he doesn't know--he either uses simple phonics to attempt to read it or he just asks me and I tell him. The next time the word comes up there are no issues.

My DD (almost 4) is just starting to recognize some print. Last night I took out the same book the older DS first read and she was able to read a few of the repetitive words. Otherwise she just made the story up by looking at the pictures and called it reading. I give her another 6 months before it just clicks.
