As I described in the other thread, I'm left-eye and right-hand dominant. Even though I naturally do everything right-handed, I'd found early on that I can manipulate my left hand more readily, yet I still have always written, used scissors, and performed other fine-motor skills as a righty. In gross-motor skills (hitting, throwing, catching), I'd always strongly favored my right, and felt extraordinarily awkward on my left... the hard thing about playing baseball was having to learn to catch with my left hand, when my body wanted to do both with the right. I kick with my right as well. When it comes to surfing or skateboarding, I'm a lefty.

So yeah, I'm all over the place. No known learning disabilities.

My DD8 manifests a little differently... she's clearly right-handed, and also right-eye dominant, yet she notes she does cartwheels as a lefty. She bats right-handed, but switches to left with a hockey stick or golf putter.

No known learning disabilities with her, either.